Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Big day for Blake

Today was a big day for Blake. Not because of anything we did, but because of all the things he did! First, he started his day by saying, "Dank doo!" when I handed him his sippy cup this morning. I thought, "I must not have heard him right." Well, about 25 "Dank doo's" later, and I'm sure he's actually saying "Thank you!!" :D He actually says it when he gives you something too. So, we spent about 20 minutes earlier going back and forth with a toy, "Dank doo! Dank doo!!" It's really cute! <3

In addition to "Dank doo", he also said, "Edy, et, DOU!!" (Ready, set, go!) several times today! I was floored. I called my friend Shannon to verify that I was hearing correctly. I would say, "Ready" and pause and he'd say "Edy!" "Set!" Sometimes he'd say "Et" and sometimes he'd just say "Dou!"

And his favorite word he's been saying for a few weeks, "NO!!" He said it to Haley this morning when she tried to take a toy from him. He kicked his feet at her and yelled, "NO!!!!" :D

But I guess talking in sentences in one day wasn't enough for my little over-acheiver because tonight, as James and I sat about 6 feet apart, he spent 30 minutes walking back and forth between us!! Yep, he's almost a full-fledged toddler now! :( I tried to get some video, but he was getting tired, so it didn't work out. I'll have to try again tomorrow!!

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