Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treating, Lots of Candy and Breathing Treatments... oh my!

So, our Halloween started off pretty eventful. Blake has had a cold for a few days. I decided to take him in to the doctor to get checked out. My friends Shannon and Anjie took and brought home Haley from a playdate, so I only had the boys. First, let me say that I have never actually taken the kids in thinking that they had a chest cold and them actually have one. Usually it's just drainage I hear and their lungs are fine.

When we get there and the nurse listens to him. Then she goes out to get a monitor to put on his finger to measure his oxygen saturation levels. His oxygen levels were fine, but he does have bronchiolitis. They went ahead and gave him a breathing treatment right there, then sent me home with a machine, sample medicine and a prescription. I have to take him back on Friday to see how he's doing. He sounds worse to me today, so hopefully we won't end up in the hospital. I'll keep you posted. The nurse just called and said that it was normal to sound worse before he sounds better, so let's hope that is the case with him.

We got home and after naps and dinner, got dressed up to go Trick or Treating. I suprised Haley by dressing up as Snow White. Before we could go out, I had to give Blake another breathing treatment, so I got James to snap a picture! ;)

The kids had a great time. We only hit a few houses before heading back to get the boys inside. Haley got to go with her friend, Alayna for a bit. Once we were home, I was going to send James and Haley back out, but she was quite happy passing out candy. So we spent the next hour doing that.

Finally, at 8:30, it was bed time! But we did have another trick or treater ring our bell at 9:45! Of course, we were out of candy!

The rest of the night was up and down with Blake. He slept with me, but was coughing quite a bit. I hope he's better soon.

Here's our pictures from last night!

Blake getting his breathing treatment from Snow White!

Haley and Blake

Ariel, Flounder and Sebastian

Sweet little lobster!

Us before heading out!

My little Flounder trick or treating!

Haley and her best friend, Alayna

Haley, Eli, Alayna and Jared trick or treating!

Back home ready to pass out candy!

Looking up the street to see who's coming!

Here ya go!!

Daddy brought Blake out for a bit (Eli was already in bed!)

Cute little pumpkin butt!!

Mommy and Blake!


Shannon said...

They are so sweet! You make a great Snow White :) Hope that Blake is feeling better soon...poor baby.

Unknown said...

Sweet pictures! Give them loves from Grandma.

christine said...

omg...too the pics...what no ursula costume...LOL...i love that you were snow white...what a sweet mama...

Connie Odom said...

Adorable family! I also have a little one now. You'll love the camera. Keep the pictures coming. Ricky & I both think the baby looks like Gerald. Happy Holidays!
Connie Odom