Sunday, November 25, 2007

Santa came early!

at least for me anyway! We went to Costco this weekend and bought me a new Nikon dSLR digital camera!!! I'm so excited. I really want to learn more about photography and I'm so happy to finally have a good camera to learn on. So, big rave for James for buying it for me! :) I've got a lot to learn (but thankfully I have a great new friend who takes amazingly beautiful pictures whose brain I plan on picking! Thanks Christine!) Here's the only picture I can get uploaded right now. Blogger is having some kind of problem, so there will be more to come later!! ;)


Dawn Endres said...

Congratulations! I love the way the pic. came out. He has beautiful eyes.

Unknown said...

He is such a good lookin' fellow. I am glad you have a new camera. Good luck and keep them coming. love, mama

Bert said...

I told you when I was there in March that Johannah and I think you have the eye of a photographer. I love reading your blog, it makes us all feel a part of the kids lives. Thanks for taking the time to do this, it can't be easy with 3 people needing you so much.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
