Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Our "visitor" today

I was changing Eli's diaper today on the couch and looked up and out the window to this!

Thankfully he was on the other side of the wrought iron fence and at the back of the property! I grabbed my camera, opened a window (I was afraid that the kids would follow me if I went out the door), and pushed out the screen. I did climb out the window to try to get closer, but Haley was calling after me to be careful! The coyote got scared and ran away! It was still pretty cool!


Dawn Endres said...

Wow! That's Cool! I've never seen one in real life before!

Unknown said...

Wow!!!! Maybe he will kill the snake that James nearly stepped on in the back. You have a zoo growing back there. That is so neat. So Haley got to see it? love, mama