Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day at the lake

We went to the lake yesterday with James' family. They rent a cabin at least once a summer and we go up and spend the day with them. I'm sure when the kids are older we will spend the night once, but for now, a day is about all I can take.

But the kids have fun, especially Haley. We got there and I got everyone in their swimsuits and went to change into mine. When I came back from the bathroom, James and Haley, my bil, niece and nephew, and Nanny and Papa Perry were all in the lake. I looked around and asked, "Where's Eli?" Then I hear, "Hi Mom-mom!" and see Eli standing in the door of the cabin. I asked, "Don't you want to go into the water?" "NO!!!" "Come on, Eli, it'll be fun!! Daddy's in there and Haley!" "NO!!!! I DON'T WANT IT!!!!" So, here's how Eli spent the first few hours at the lake!

We spent the next few hours eating hot dogs, hamburgers, brownies and smores, watching the kids run and play, catching up with each other and loving the kids. It was a nice time. Blake did really well. Thankfully I had the bright idea while at Target to pick up a cheap $30 3 man tent. We pitched it under a huge tree and put his toys in there. We took off the "hood" but it still had netting. We zipped him in, but were able to keep an eye on him. Eventually, Nanny stripped him down and he LOVED that! I guess he liked to feel the "cool breeze". ;) Then I layed down in the tent and nursed him and he took a little nap. Sweet boy!

Eventually, I actually got hot enough to venture out into the lake. Oddly enough, I can swim in the ocean all day, but I really don't like to go into lakes. Something about it oogs me out. So, when I say I went in, I mean up to my knees! ;) It was at this point that Eli decided it was safe enough to come in. Maybe he is just like me! Once he was in, of course, he loved it.

All in all it was a great day. We were there for about 5 hours and would have stayed longer but the boys were loosing it quickly. Here's a few pictures from our day!

Haley and Daddy

Haley and Daniel

Gracie and Nanny

Eli and Daddy, finally happy in the water!


Getting tired now!! (little nature boy!)

Sweet, sleepy boy!

Why did you leave me in a tent!!

Ok, I'll pick you up!!!

Eli chasing after Haley and Gracie and the kite

And for my friend Shannon! :D

Sorry, the pictures are small! I uploaded them as "small" thinking they wouldn't be so huge when you click on them. But I think they just made them small in the blog.


Dawn Endres said...

That looks like so much fun! I want to go camping one day. I've never been. I love the kite picture!

Shannon said...

Ack! I clicked on the wasp pic....why oh why did I do that!?!?!?

Great pics Amy....minus that one. ;)

Kristy said...

looks like y'all had a great day....great pics
what lake?

~Amy said...

Lake Lewisville. It's up by Frisco though, so kind of an out of the way part of the lake.