Tuesday, November 27, 2007

More pictures!

Here's a few more I've taken with my new camera! I love how fast it takes the pictures. I feel like a professional! ;) I'm driving the kids crazy!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Santa came early!

at least for me anyway! We went to Costco this weekend and bought me a new Nikon dSLR digital camera!!! I'm so excited. I really want to learn more about photography and I'm so happy to finally have a good camera to learn on. So, big rave for James for buying it for me! :) I've got a lot to learn (but thankfully I have a great new friend who takes amazingly beautiful pictures whose brain I plan on picking! Thanks Christine!) Here's the only picture I can get uploaded right now. Blogger is having some kind of problem, so there will be more to come later!! ;)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Our "visitor" today

I was changing Eli's diaper today on the couch and looked up and out the window to this!

Thankfully he was on the other side of the wrought iron fence and at the back of the property! I grabbed my camera, opened a window (I was afraid that the kids would follow me if I went out the door), and pushed out the screen. I did climb out the window to try to get closer, but Haley was calling after me to be careful! The coyote got scared and ran away! It was still pretty cool!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

Fall at last?

Well, a cold front finally came through! Yay! Hopefully it is here to stay. Earlier in the week it was in the mid-80's! Hopefully it will be cool for Thanksgiving. We are staying home this year. With all the sickness we've had, James and I both need time to just rest. So, I'll be cooking a turkey breast and a couple of other things here.

The kids seem to be on the mend now. Haley is doing better, she hasn't complained of her ear hurting anymore. She doesn't seem as congested either, so hopefully it'll stay that way. Eli is doing well too. No signs that his ear infection has come back. We do have an appointment with his ENT on the 29th. Our peditrician thinks that the tube is just lying in wax in his ear. I want his hearing tested again anyway, so I just went ahead and made the appointment.

Little Blake seems to be better soon. He still sounds slightly congested when he breathes, though. I take him in for his 4 month check up in December, so I'll have him checked out then.

All in all, we are just enjoying the weather and looking forward to decorating for Christmas!! We are staying home for that too this year, so we plan on putting up more decorations. I'm still torn about a tree though. I'm thinking not. I'll probably just do a table top again this year. I know if I put up a tree, Eli will just pull it over on himself!

Anyway, here's some pictures of the kids playing outside today!

They just look like trouble!!

Haley brought a snack up there for them!

Eli was telling her all about something!

He looks like he should be singing some song in a musical all about his long lost love (or something like that! ;) )

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Cute Eli

We were outside looking for the shuttle to pass overhead (we didn't see it! :( ) and I snapped a few cute pictures of Eli. I turned them into black and white as well. Just thought they were too cute not to share! (Haley's at a friends house playing today, so no pics of her!)

And because he's a sweetie!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Rough few weeks!

It started a few weeks ago. Both Haley and Eli were a little congested and about 3 weeks ago, I took Eli to the doctor. He had a double ear infection at that point. Then 6 days later, Haley was complaining and not feeling well and Blake was starting to get congested. So we took all three of them in (I wanted them to recheck Eli's ears because he was still congested as well). Haley had a sinus infection, Eli's ears were looking better and he just needed to finish his antibiotics and Blake just had a cold. That was on a Wednesday.

So, we go through the weekend and I notice on Sunday night (October 28Th) that Blake is sneezing a bit and coughing more that normal. This was also the day that Eli finished his antibiotics. Monday morning comes and Eli is still really congested. I call and have him seen and they said his ears looked OK. One ear was a little red still, but no infection. Tuesday and Wednesday come and Blake's cough is getting worse.

Wednesday morning, during Eli's ECI visit, I decided that I need to take Blake in. His breathing sounds bad and I can feel it in his chest now. (I mentioned this briefly on my Halloween post) We head in and he has some congestion and they start him on breathing treatments every 4 - 6 hours. I also have them peek at Eli's ears, just to be safe and again, one is red, but no infection.

Thursday and Friday come and go. They are a blur of breathing treatments and no sleep. Poor Blake is coughing like crazy. He's wheezing all the time and you can hear his chest rattling. Friday morning, my sil comes and keeps the kids and I take Blake back to the doctor. He told me he thinks he has RSV, but that he looks great. Blake is smiling and happy. His chest still sounds bad, but the doctor thinks we are through the worse.

Saturday morning comes.

4am, Blake wakes up and his coughing like crazy! I give him a breathing treatment and nurse him. Then he has a coughing fit and throws up all over the place! (Which is good because he needs to get all the mucus he's been swallowing out of him). I strip him down and get up to find him some new PJ's. When I go to pick him up, he feels really warm. I take his temp. and he's 102.7. He had not run a fever at all before now. So this concerns me because one of the things about RSV is it can turn into pneumonia. We go back to sleep and James leaves to play golf an hour or so later.

Haley comes down around 6:15 and tells me that she doesn't feel well. I feel her head and she's warm. I take her temp. and she's 101.6. I get her on the couch and watching TV and head upstairs because Eli's waking up. I get him out of his crib and kiss his head good morning. Not good, he's hot too!!! Take his temp., 102.5. Thankfully, at least at this point, Blake's temp. had gone down to 100.4.

I then start trying to call James (his phone was dead and Richard didn't have his with him. I finally managed to track him down through a friends phone! He came home right away, thankfully!). I call the doctor's office at 9 when they open and tell them that I want to bring all three kids in to be seen. They pass me around a few times, then finally one nurse asks "What's wrong with Blake?" I tell her that he ran fever at 4am and even though we were just there the day before, I want him seen again. She then asks what his temp. is right then and I tell her 100.4. Then she said that they just saw Blake the day before and that 100.4 was not a temp. to be concerned with, that they didn't need to see them. I told her that I didn't care if they wanted to see him or not. 100.4 might not be a temp. to be concerned with, but 102.7 certainly is and that I wasn't going to risk my 3 month old getting pneumonia because some nurse didn't feel like pulling a chart. And if they didn't want to schedule him into the appointment, that was fine, that I had every intention of asking the doctor to check him anyway once I was back in the room. She then transferred me to another nurse who made the appointment for all three.

James came home and we went to the doctor. By the time we got back there, Blake was a completely different child. He was screaming and obviously in a lot of pain. He tried to eat and threw up everywhere. There was nothing we could do to console him. They listened to his chest again and told me to do the treatments every 3 hours. And bring him back on Monday. They also checked his ears and he had an ear infection.

The other kids got checked out too, Haley was tested for strep, but that was negative (not surprising, she was still on antibiotics for her sinus infection). Eli's ears were checked and, yep, another ear infection!! They think the tube in his right ear may have fallen out. They won't know until the infection clears up. If so and he gets a couple more infections, we are looking at another tube going into that ear. His left tube was looking good though.

Sunday was a rough day. Everyone (James and I as well) was feeling just bad enough to make everyone else miserable! Sunday night, I give Haley her last dose of antibiotic. She goes to bed and a few minutes later, calls for her daddy. He comes down about 5 minutes later and says that she has a couple of blisters or ulcers in her mouth. My heart stops. Some of you might not know, but my best friend, Shannon's, little boy Ben was diagnosed with Stevens Johnson Syndrome in August. That's an allergic reaction to different medicines or bacteria. One of the main medications that causes the reaction is penicillin. Haley had just finished amoxicillion. The way Ben's SJS started was with blisters in his mouth. (If you have never heard of this before, please see the paragraph at the end!) I ran upstairs and looked all in her mouth. Thank GOD there was nothing else there. We continued to check her through out the night, even though we knew that with SJS, the blisters form rapidly with in the first few hours and if she was having a reaction, we would have known right away. It was one of the scariest things I've ever felt. SJS is suppose to be incredibly rare, but when Ben was in the hospital, he was the 7Th case the dermatologist had seen that MONTH! So even though my brain was telling me that she was fine and I was overreacting, my heart wouldn't stop freaking out!!! Of course, she woke up the next morning and was totally fine!

Monday, we went back to the doctor for a follow up with Blake (and yes, I did tell the doctor that Haley had a couple of ulcers and I thought she was having an SJS reaction. They do officially think I'm crazy there). He was sounding better and his ear was looking better. He still has congestion in his chest, so we are still doing breathing treatments and trying to get that junk out of there. We go back on Thursday for a recheck. Eli's last dose of antibiotics is a week from today. Hopefully this will knock out the infection and that tube is still in place.

Sorry this has been so long. It's been a crazy few weeks here. Here's a couple of pictures though!

Here's Eli leaving for school this morning. It's been our first real cold day!

and here's Haley this morning. She was in a cranky mood and her shoes are on the wrong feet!

My sweet, sick boy!!! He's still a cutie!

Daddy and Blake out for a walk!

Here's my precious boy getting a breathing treatment. He tolerates it for the most part!

Concerning SJS:

First, Ben is totally fine now!!!! His case was mild in comparison, although he was in the hospital for 11 days! He has healed 100%!! SJS is something that every parent and person should know about. Another medicine that has a high risk is ibuprofen. This is a reaction that can happen any time. You could have given your child or taken Motrin yourself 100 times and on that 101 time, they could react with SJS. As I said earlier, it is "rare" but I think it's more prevalent than what the manufactures of these medications would have you believe. And also, if you choose to google it, do yourself a favor and don't look at the images. SJS attacks the mucus membranes and then spreads to the skin. The skin blisters and then sloths off. This did not happen to Ben. He only got a few blisters on his body and eyes. They were mostly in his mouth and throat. But they did sloth off once the healing process began. Like I said, he's wonderful now, but his experience has served as an eye opener for all of us who know him and his family. We have made it our mission to let as many people as possible know about this.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treating, Lots of Candy and Breathing Treatments... oh my!

So, our Halloween started off pretty eventful. Blake has had a cold for a few days. I decided to take him in to the doctor to get checked out. My friends Shannon and Anjie took and brought home Haley from a playdate, so I only had the boys. First, let me say that I have never actually taken the kids in thinking that they had a chest cold and them actually have one. Usually it's just drainage I hear and their lungs are fine.

When we get there and the nurse listens to him. Then she goes out to get a monitor to put on his finger to measure his oxygen saturation levels. His oxygen levels were fine, but he does have bronchiolitis. They went ahead and gave him a breathing treatment right there, then sent me home with a machine, sample medicine and a prescription. I have to take him back on Friday to see how he's doing. He sounds worse to me today, so hopefully we won't end up in the hospital. I'll keep you posted. The nurse just called and said that it was normal to sound worse before he sounds better, so let's hope that is the case with him.

We got home and after naps and dinner, got dressed up to go Trick or Treating. I suprised Haley by dressing up as Snow White. Before we could go out, I had to give Blake another breathing treatment, so I got James to snap a picture! ;)

The kids had a great time. We only hit a few houses before heading back to get the boys inside. Haley got to go with her friend, Alayna for a bit. Once we were home, I was going to send James and Haley back out, but she was quite happy passing out candy. So we spent the next hour doing that.

Finally, at 8:30, it was bed time! But we did have another trick or treater ring our bell at 9:45! Of course, we were out of candy!

The rest of the night was up and down with Blake. He slept with me, but was coughing quite a bit. I hope he's better soon.

Here's our pictures from last night!

Blake getting his breathing treatment from Snow White!

Haley and Blake

Ariel, Flounder and Sebastian

Sweet little lobster!

Us before heading out!

My little Flounder trick or treating!

Haley and her best friend, Alayna

Haley, Eli, Alayna and Jared trick or treating!

Back home ready to pass out candy!

Looking up the street to see who's coming!

Here ya go!!

Daddy brought Blake out for a bit (Eli was already in bed!)

Cute little pumpkin butt!!

Mommy and Blake!