Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

We took the kids out the the pumpkin patch yesterday. We go to "a" pumpkin patch every year, but this is the one I like the best. I have a hard time convincing James to go though because it's about 45 minutes from us. But it's worth it. Haley loved it, of course. But this was Eli's first time feeding the animals. He wasn't quite sure what to do at first and tried to eat the food himself! Once he saw what you were really suppose to do with it, he was all for it!

Here's a few pics!

All in all it was a great day. Beautiful weather and lots of fun. Until Haley's meltdown on the way home and James "just having" to stop by the PGA Superstore and leaving me in the car for 20 minutes with 3 screaming kids! But that's a story for another blog! ;)


Anonymous said...

Amy, love the pics. What a cute title for your blog. You have a beautiful family. I know you are super busy, I don't know how you do it - Way to go!

Unknown said...

"My babies" are beautiful. I wish I could have been there to see them at the pumpkin' patch. This is a good idea to keep up with yall and see the pictures. Give kisses to my babies and know I love yall very much. Love, mama/Grandma