I have to say that I think Haley being at school all day has really done wonders for Eli and Blake's relationship. They both miss her and Eli asks about her all the time. But it's so fun to see how they interact with each other without big sister around. Eli's become a real big brother. He's always telling me when Blake's crying (because, of course, I can't actually hear it myself! ;) or when Blake's doing something he shouldn't. Blake lights up when he sees Eli. He loves it when he wakes up from his nap and it's time to go get Eli. He runs down to his door.
This past week has not been fun here. Everyone's had a tummy bug. Blake's still not well. Today, they were eating lunch and I was on the computer (it's on the other side of the kitchen, so I can see them). Suddenly, Eli comes running over and says, "Mommy! Blake make mess!" I go look, yep, Blake had thrown up all over his tray. :( Eli was very concerned and tried to help his brother.
Right now, they are both sleeping peacefully. Hopefully they will be feeling better soon!